Stay In The Know

The Carner Agency

Stay in the Know

Learn about what our agency has going on in the community and learn more about your insurance products.

Jeep on the Mac

Drummond Island Jeep on the Mac

An event we look forward to sponsoring every year.

Blue Ribbon Office of Excellence Award

Blue Ribbon Office of Excellence

The Carner Agency received the Blue Ribbon Office of Excellence Award at Farm Bureau Insurance's…

America and Me Essay

American & Me Essay Contest

Three students from Dundee Middle School have been named local winners in the 54th annual America &…

Key Council

The Carner Agency Receives Key Club Award

Key Club recipients sign up five or more Farm Bureau regular members in a membership year. A…

Arrive Alive

Arrive Alive Simulator

The Arrive Alive booth simulates what it would feel like to drive under the influence, showing…

girl with umbrella

Umbrella Policies

Insurance companies offer Personal Umbrella policies to provide additional protection when an…